I can’t believe I’m here. I can’t believe I’m at Burning Man. Me. Little Amy Chan. The one who I feel is labeled as sweet and innocent by many – which often drives me nuts. Obviously, that’s by those who don’t know me very well or haven’t yet met Shamy. Granted, for all intents and purposes…I guess I do portray that side to many so I can’t really blame them when it feels like they treat me with kid gloves.
Anyway…I’m here and the amazement is creeping in from all angles. I’m slowly spinning around, looking at the scenery around me. All I see is this dusty plain of nothingness; a space that sits in the middle of mountains. It’s expansive and flat. I keep wondering, why here? How here? It’s nowhere yet all of the participants come willingly and excitedly. There is something about being here that I’m just starting to absorb. I don’t know what it is yet but it’s intoxicating. It’s wonder. It’s curiousity. It’s warmth without reason. Perhaps it’s the boys in skirts. Heh…some of the warmth could definitely be coming from that. There’s still so much I can’t imagine about what this experience is going to be like but now we begin to find out.