I have a new perspective on angels these days. While I never seriously believed they were golden-lighted and winged (since I was 10 anyway), I did believe they were perfect beings who had risen through the ranks of heaven filled with purity, selflessness and goodness and were tasked to guide the lost. I mean, that is what it means to be “angelic” right? Well, that all changed after I recognized the angels who came into my life last year. They were anything but pure, selfless and good (seriously, anything but and nothing near perfect) but I do believe they walked with me when I needed a guide…a companion…a distraction. You might ask, so how are angels different than friends? Maybe they’re not so different except, perhaps, angels are with us for just a moment, for an instance, and that they are not intended to be mutually beneficial relationships. And perhaps they are intended to disappear almost as quickly as they appear with the likelihood of never returning. And perhaps they don’t even realize they’re playing this role in our lives, that they’re oblivious to their “task” but they are just drawn to us and us to them until we’re ready to walk alone again.
So with this new theory, it makes more sense for me to not focus on what was or what’s to be but rather, just realize how I’ve been blessed and to keep moving forward until I need to meet my next angel.
— Ballyhoo Backcaster