Lessons from the Pick Up Artist
Lesson #2: Recognize IOIs and IODs
Definitions: Indicators of Interest and Indicators of Disinterest: Things a woman does or says that communicates what she feels towards you.
Adding to the Cast of Characters:
Girl #2: We’ll call her Sunshine
Girl #3: We’ll call her Totsie
Rev Run comes back later in the evening because he had not picked up on the subtle but normally universal IODs (indicators of disinterest) delivered his way earlier. The back turn to block out conversation and the walk away apparently didn’t work so well, so the girls must amp up the level of IODs.
IOD+ #1: Sunshine stares into what she thinks are the glazed eyes of inebriation of Rev Run and says, “You know, you’d actually be kinda cute if you lost the sunglasses and weren’t so drunk. You should really lose those sunglasses.” Rev Run stumbles in place for a moment and pushes the sunglasses to the top of his head, exposing a glazed quizzical look. Sunshine repeats. Rev Run blathers on about not being from the area/just wanting to meet people/something about his friends, stares blankly back at the girls and doesn’t leave.
In the distance, Red walks down the steps to return to the group, sees that Rev Run is still with her friends, spins right back around to go back up the stairs until the zone clears.
IOD+ #2: Totsie sees this and is fed up. Totsie steps up to Rev Run, her forehead meeting the shadow of his sunglasses and puts on her man pants to say, “Look, I don’t like being the bitch but I’m very happy to be the bitch. You just need to leave. No one here wants to talk to you. You’re drunk. You’re annoying. So go away.” Rev Run finally hears the IOD, punches a fist into his open hand as he mutters something and finally walks away.
Additional Take-Aways:
- Don’t return to a set that’s already blown you off.
- Use alcohol wisely. It can be used to benefit your game but it should never be allowed to compromise your ability to see, speak and hear.
- If a girl ever has to put on her man-pants, step off. That’s a big time IOD. Step away quickly.
- Don’t ever threaten a girl with physical violence or you’ll find your sunglasses up your DMC. Don’t misjudge the petite.
— Ballyhoo Backcaster