Learning how to Catch and Release
Going into the first expedition with high expectations, I had not contemplated the need to sharpen my rusty Catch and Release skills. Of course, I’ve never much liked the process of removing the hook from the mouth, it’s so bloody and slimy and you might get bit by sharp teeth. However, as a much needed survival skill we will need to hone our ability to quickly measure the catch and make sure it meets the Fish and Wildlife’s standards. In addition, personally, I will need to adjust my attitude when the fishing is poor. There will be days when all we do is throw the line in, crack open a…
First Night Training Moments
When fishing… you never know which fish will bite. It’s not always the King Salmon… sometimes Sharks bite the line. Being polite shows you’re approachable to other men. Being polite means some men will act like Dingle Berries and hang around to long. Even dingle berries like to buy you drinks if you ask him. Arrive early and you can get a table in the middle of the “man-pack” because at On Deck the cute men sit at tables. And lastly but most importantly… if you are NOT enjoying the company of the man sitting next to you DO NOT… and I REPEAT… DO NOT INVITE HIM TO THE NEXT…