At a Glance
Last week, a friend and I were playing a game. We were out having dinner and observing couples around us and guessing what their stories were. First date? Friends? Lifetime partners? For as much as I could tell, we weren’t necessarily good at this game but that didn’t stop us from trying. Couple by the Window My friend described the girl as a typical Marina Girl. Young, attractive, big boobs readily displayed with a low neckline. Her date was attractive too. Well-dressed by Portland standards, typical by San Fran’s. Their conversation seemed strained. She sat back in her chair. He was not enchanting as demonstrated by her bored look. With…
Lessons from the Pick Up Artist
Lesson #2: Recognize IOIs and IODs Definitions: Indicators of Interest and Indicators of Disinterest: Things a woman does or says that communicates what she feels towards you. Adding to the Cast of Characters: Girl #2: We’ll call her Sunshine Girl #3: We’ll call her Totsie Rev Run comes back later in the evening because he had not picked up on the subtle but normally universal IODs (indicators of disinterest) delivered his way earlier. The back turn to block out conversation and the walk away apparently didn’t work so well, so the girls must amp up the level of IODs. IOD+ #1: Sunshine stares into what she thinks are the…
Lessons from the Pick Up Artist
I admit. I watch VH-1’s reality show The Pick Up Artist (PUA). Why? Part train wreck, part research. I watch to: Evaluate what tactics boys could employ to pick a girl up Assess what tactics girls should employ to engage a pick up (It only makes sense to understand the weapons of war for both sides.) Although I’ve watched the show for a while and have been out and about all during that while, last weekend was the first time I really paid attention to my surroundings and actually noticed if and how any PUA methods were put into play. Fortunately for all of you…absolutely. There is specific terminology used…
On the Prowl
well, there’s a first time for everything and I was just inspired to contribute, so here goes… So, the fly on my wall sees me in my typical Saturday morning attire, position and disposition. comfy clothes, coffee in hand, checking email, everything status quo. Nothing outwardly alluding to the “field and stream” ish thoughts that haunt my head and heart. Camouflaged in my worn jeans, unbrushed hair and in need of a shower (or at least some deodorant) I hunker down behind my laptop and quietly await my prey. My sight is on and my focus is keen. Page 1, 10 per page, scroll, scroll, stop, pull laptop closer to…
Paradigm Shift
It’s not even my world but I’m shaken. The only thing that keeps me standing is that you haven’t changed. If you had because of this or you got here because you changed, then I would have collapsed. It was always off the table for us. And it should have been. Our relationship would not be what it is today or what it will be tomorrow if it had. For that, I understand and I am grateful. Still. I know this is not what you ever imagined for yourself but I do believe you will discover joy. A part of me just wishes we could have shared this joy together.…