Everything I’ve Been Looking For
I can’t believe I’ve found him. I didn’t think it was possible. It’s been so long since I’ve felt this way that I didn’t think it was ever going to happen again. He seemed to show up out of nowhere and he captivated me from the first moment I heard him speak. But of course I kept guarded. Too much happened the last time I believed things would work out…the last time I trusted the universe to do me right..and it didn’t. I couldn’t let that kind of disappointment happen to me again. I wouldn’t let it happen again. So what is it about him that gives me hope? That…
It’s Just that Simple
It seems that lately my conversations, reading materials, visual entertainment, etc. are all in conjunction with a particular themeā¦to embrace ALL the moments that make up this life.Too many times I get caught up in the goals and wants on my life, my mind focusing and obsessing almost to exclusion. Granted, my goals and desires shift and change in swirling kaleidoscope that sometimes it is hard for me to draw a straight line from point A to point B.But today, I want to revel in the simplicity of how amazing my life truly is. This morning I woke to the sound of the pounding surf that I could view from…
Hallelujah! The e Can Harm Me No More!
My subscription to eHarm just ended and I am jumping for joy! Admittedly, the only time I was 100% committed to the process was during the first 32 hours after signing up and about 1/4 of that was to fill out the horrendously long questionnaire (and maybe another 6 of those hours were spent sleeping). But I tried. I really did. It may have never surpassed a 75% effort after the first full day, okay maybe it was only 65%, but I tried to be as positive as I could and do as a committed person would (committed to the process that is, not one needing to be committed). I…
What Would the Nielsens’ Say?
Luke and Laura. Bruce and Maddie. Kevin and Winnie. Sam and Diane. Ross and Rachel. Buffy and Angel. Carrie and Big. Burt and Ernie. Meridith and McDreamy. Jim and Pam. Sawyer and Kate. What makes us want these TV duos to get together/stay together/get back together more so than we often want anything for ourselves? What is it about them that makes us tune in week after week hoping we will finally catch the moment where the sun, the moon and sweeps-week all align so these pairs become the couples we want them to be? Okay, okay…so these feelings are spoon-fed to us by the legions of writers who carefully…
The Purest Love
Where would I be without you? You remind me how to breathe when the world spins out of control. You help me love again when I trust no one else. When life is dark, you remind me that I am not alone. You love me unconditionally even with all my imperfections. You ask for nothing but a little care and attention when I am around but you wait patiently when I prioritize my life over yours. You fill me, you complete me, you make me a better person. The love you have for me is pure. It is illuminating. For all of this, I’ve had to give very little…until today.…