• Adventures & Experiences

    Birthday Freebies in Portland

    D often likes to say, “You can’t spell Cheap without Chan.” While I always give him the side-eye when he says it, I’d have to admit, I do love me a happy hour, a coupon, and a sale. So, when it came to my birthday, I started to gather information about all the birthday freebies available around town and how I could fill my day collecting on all of these offers. Through my research findings, it was clear that the old adage “there are no free lunches” is mostly true. Many of the “free offers” are only available if you sign up for a loyalty/rewards club or email list. There…

  • Adventures & Experiences

    Spark Pet Botjoy

    While Marie Kondo pretty much has the phrase “Spark Joy” locked down as her brand statement, the act of sparking joy can come from other things as much as folding your clothes into compact little packets. Botjoy is one of these things. Created by Portland artist, Gary Hirsch, Botjoy is an art-forward movement to spark hope, courage, inspiration, AND joy into this world. He’s done so by painting small robots onto the the backs of dominos, then leaving them in the streets for random strangers to find. He’s expanded the effort by inviting others to steal his idea, which has led to the creation of Brave Bots for children in…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream


    This blog was a project, affectionately called Field & Stream, for a group of friends to mark observations,  note lessons learned, and document research about dating, lust, and love. It was intended to become a collaborative collection of knowledge and insight and the starting point to our NY Times Bestseller and impending motion picture. It’s always good to have goals whether we actually reach them or not, right? If for nothing else, please enjoy this archive of our words, our hopes, and our sometimes jaded perspectives. To start reading from the beginning, click here. After that, you can simply click on the arrow > that will show up at the end of the entry, on the…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    Where To Go From Here

    I’ve been thinking about the past a lot lately. Perhaps that’s why I’m having such a hard time transitioning and moving into this new year. I sit here not having a clue about what 2009 brings, not having a clue what I want from it and not having a clue how I’m going to get it. I can’t see past my nose right now. I’ve soap boxed about adding value to this world and yet I’ve busied myself with frivolity. Is it fair to want more from it all, even when I don’t know what that more is? It does make it more difficult to be driven when I don’t…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    How opposite is too opposite?

    How opposite is too opposite? A long dry spell was making me, at least according to my friends, a bit snippy. Even I had to acknowledge that I just needed to get laid! How could I justify this with my desire to be in a relationship, did I need to rethink what I was looking for? After all, I’d recently laid open my heart to the person who still holds it and as much as he feels our connection, in his mind we are too much alike to work as a committed relationship. Faced with this knowledge, I started to think, maybe I need to look for someone much more…