• Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    Don’t Buy Your Lines at Wal-Mart

    I know I haven’t dated much. I know I freeze up when I walk into those meat market type clubs where the women wear shirts for dresses and the men wear enough cologne to paralyze small animals in their wake. But thank god I have my senses to know a worthy pick up line. So I know that even if you have the look, the confidence and the cash…those things make no difference if you have a cheap, under-developed or mass market fishing line. Like the youngster who decided to tell me how classy my bracelet was and from that he could tell that I was classy…now could he have…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    Fishing in International Waters

    There are many seas out there with exotic specimens unique to their environments. While the closest ponds are ideally the best to fish in for daily sustenance, traveling abroad can often bring an interesting bite. What I found most intriguing, much more so than the local cuisine, was the readily abundant schools of traveling fish. Mighty fine young adventure seekers, they were. Many quite far from home; very few from waters I was familiar with. Regardless, a skilled fisherwoman would have no trouble loading up her net. Even novices could throw out a compelling line for a nibble of conversation, one much more engaging than “You swim these waters often?”…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    Catch Release vs Trophy

    In our parents generation, you kept the first fish you landed. For better or worse, you promptly took it home and mounted your trophy. Didn’t matter if one of you was a trout and the other a halibut. Or a flounder paired with a guppy. The Sixties showed us people could actually “Catch & Release”. You simply took the fish home, played around with it, fed it occasionally and after awhile, you could return him to the wilderness and go out and fish for a completely different species and repeat the process. There were plenty of fish in the waters so there was a high rate of success. It didn’t…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    What’s your prey?

    As we venture into the wild in pursuit of prey, we first need to know what we are hunting. Without a certain species with specific attributes in mind, we are likely to approach our expeditions with disorganization which ultimately results in bagging nothing. With this in mind we should consider the following questions/ steps and carefully ponder what it is we REALLY want to catch. Once we know what it is we want to hang on our wall, we will also know what equipment needs to be sharpened, oiled, restrung or possibly just left behind. Step 1: Thoroughly describe (without censor) everything that comes to mind you want in a…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    Fact Stranger Than Fiction

    Okay, so it started out with Reel Deal (RD) and I meeting for drinks and music the other night. Brokeback texted at 9:30 saying he was still at dinner and was wondering if we had made it out. I said we had and to text us when he was done. Well…RD and I were having a good time and it got to 10:45. At that point, RD said to me honestly, “You know if he texts you at any point from now on this evening, you shouldn’t respond; it’s gotten too late and you should not be too convenient for him.” She was right. So after the minute it took…