• Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    A Rant and an Ode

    Earlier this year I was chatting with a woman about Sex and the City. We were giddily extolling the virtues of the show and how much we enjoyed it when a male joined our conversation. Upon hearing us, he in essence started to huff and puff and denigrate the show. “That’s a horrible show. All it does is promote meaningless, uncommitted and rampant sex. It shows nothing about the type of commitment required between a man and a woman to make a quality relationship work. It adds no value to the global landscape.” Apparently, he had an opinion. Trying to give him a fair shake and hear him out…since his…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    Fishing License Name

    Deciphering the screen names people select for their online profiles is a bit like reading the license plates on cars. You have to read them out loud before the impact grabs hold of your sub-conscious mind. Women examine screen names with the same scrutiny as a game warden. The license name reveals information as to who this “fisherman” is at heart. They underestimate what crafty fish we are. You see, we understand they have embedded a “hook” into their “fly-name” they are trying to snare us with. Here are a few known poacher names: Roll_em ( I have a gambling habit) Echo1999 (I’ve been online dating for 8 years &…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    Fishing online

    I’m beginning to wonder if this Online Match.com thing is starting to have too many similarities to E-bay? I end up spending a ridiculous amount of time sorting and reading through profiles; aka- product descriptions. Then I carefully craft an “engaging bid”. Is there an appropriate period of time for my bid to be accepted or expire? During this time, I can’t possibly contain my energy while I wait to see if that fascinating person from the picture thought I was as clever as I think I am? When doesn’t he respond, I am stunned!!! Who outbid me? Because, how else can this be? Why else wouldn’t he see that…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    Bait & Switch

    I was talking to a girlfriend the other day who does the online dating. There are days when her stories make dating seem fun and then there are stories that make me rather dig my eyes out with a spoon than subject myself to such horrors. Recently, she started chatting with a fella who seemed nice enough. They began with the ice-breaking wink, the customary 2-3 email exchange and then the polite photo swap. From what I gathered, everything was dandy enough for her to agree to the cautious-but-hopeful meet up. She arrived at the rendezvous spot with a printed out picture in her pocketbook to ensure an accurate sighting…

  • Field n Stream,  Past Lives

    Learning how to Catch and Release

    Going into the first expedition with high expectations, I had not contemplated the need to sharpen my rusty Catch and Release skills. Of course, I’ve never much liked the process of removing the hook from the mouth, it’s so bloody and slimy and you might get bit by sharp teeth. However, as a much needed survival skill we will need to hone our ability to quickly measure the catch and make sure it meets the Fish and Wildlife’s standards. In addition, personally, I will need to adjust my attitude when the fishing is poor. There will be days when all we do is throw the line in, crack open a…