• Adventures & Experiences,  Burning Man

    The Essentials

    At home, the essentials pat-down before one goes out typically sounds like this: Phone. Check. Wallet. Check. Keys. Check. But on the playa, the list is completely different. In the day, it’s: Sunscreen. Check. Water. Check. Sand goggles. Check. And at night, it’s: Cup. Check. Glow sticks. Check. Flashlight. Check. I thought I had wasted my money on sand goggles up through Tuesday. I was prepared for 100 degree days and 40 degree nights where I’d be blinded by dust and I would have confectioner’s sand sifting into my tent. I had packed down jackets, plastic ponchos, thermal underwear, skiing socks, hats, gloves and an extra wool blanket. And I…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Burning Man

    Gifting Economy

    The only things that can be purchased inside Black Rock City are ice and espresso drinks. The ice – I understand and appreciate the availability of. The lattes and chai teas, while yummy, I would agree with many of the old timers that this goes against the essence of Burning Man. But of course, since it’s available, I’m not sooo against it that I won’t partake. All I’m saying is that if they ever stopped offering it, I would totally understand and not make a stink about it. Well, this makes the rest of BRC a very different place than we’re used to in our normal day to day. People…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Burning Man

    Finally. We Explore.

    Sarah’s been singing, “I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bicycle. Bii-cycle! Bii-cycle!” all afternoon while we’ve been setting up camp. Now, I can’t get it out of my head now and I too would very much like to go out and see what’s out there. Finally, we get to go. ******************** This place…this thing…it’s freaking amazing. The expanse of it all. The creativity of the people with their camps and art cars, their costumes. I couldn’t explain Burning Man before I got here and now that I’m here, I can explain it even less. Then there’s the night time. Oh my god. It’s even more…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Burning Man


    I can’t believe I’m here. I can’t believe I’m at Burning Man. Me. Little Amy Chan. The one who I feel is labeled as sweet and innocent by many – which often drives me nuts. Obviously, that’s by those who don’t know me very well or haven’t yet met Shamy. Granted, for all intents and purposes…I guess I do portray that side to many so I can’t really blame them when it feels like they treat me with kid gloves. Anyway…I’m here and the amazement is creeping in from all angles. I’m slowly spinning around, looking at the scenery around me. All I see is this dusty plain of nothingness;…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Burning Man

    The Entry

    Upon entering BRC, you must show your tickets, prove you have enough water to last you the week, meet a Greeter and be subjected to some hazing. Depending on which Greeter you get will dictate the severity of the hazing. Our guy was very tame. We must have shown faces of calm because he guessed we were veteran burners. He really only picked on Tim, the only male in our car. A couple of push ups and a bit of rolling on the playa. Oh yes, he did smack some ass (Heather’s) to welcome her in with a playa handprint on her posterior. Then we were allowed to gong a…