SW Trails Urban Hike #18: Hamilton to Hewitt
This hike says it only has a 322 ft elevation change. While that might be true in an absolute way, it felt like more than that in a cumulative way. There were several times we’d meander down a hill only to have to go back up again. So, there were many moments when this felt harder than the summary would imply. As I say that though, my spoiler alert is that this SW hike is one of my favorites. The streets are wide and very mellow. The houses and their landscaping were very lovely to look at. If you’re lucky, you might see a bunny in someone’s yard. Then as…
SW Trails Urban Hike #1: Gabriel to Oleson
Our first self-led urban hike was also the first one listed by the SWTrails PDX group — Hike #1 Gabriel to Oleson. If it was good enough to be their first to list, it was good enough to be our first to walk. Summary We started and ended this urban hike at the SW Community Center by Gabriel Park. This hike is a loop, so technically you could start at any point along the route; but the park is convenient and has a lot of parking. This 5.2 mile walk goes through the Maplewood neighborhood through many quiet streets and a few parks. This first experience is what introduced us…
Urban Hikes in Portland: SW Trails
A couple of months ago, I was looking for convenient urban hikes to do in the All Trails app. I found one that was around about a neighborhood in town. This was a rare find since most of the trails in that app are located in more natural settings. This Hillsdale to the River Trail was interesting because it had us walk between neighborhoods I would have never thought to go by foot. It also led us through some inner city parks I never knew existed. There was an odd patch where I felt like we might find some discarded body parts, but that’s neither here nor there and not…
With a Little Help from My Friends
A common tip for goal setting: manifest something you want by asking the universe for it. Say it out loud, pray for it, meditate, or visualize it with a vision board. Openly sharing your goals with others is also a great way to make them happen. Telling friends, family, and even acquaintances not only creates accountability but can also set unexpected things in motion, such as: You’ll gain a partner in crime. You’ll learn who else wants to do the same things. They may actually want to do them with you. They’ll know someone or something that can help you. You’ll have people to talk through your concerns and/or solve…
Snowshoeing Trillium Lake
A number of the things on my 50×50 list are are activities that show up on many “Things to do in Portland” lists. Described as a very family-friendly activity that’s only 90 minutes away from downtown Portland, and one that’s free, makes snowshoeing Trillium Lake VERY popular during the winter. Unsurprisingly, I still had to learn that the hard way. During the last week of December, my bubble friends and I decided to celebrate the end of the very long COVID-focused year by engaging in several snowy outdoor activities up on Mount Hood. Repeat: Trillium Lake is VERY Popular Snowshoeing Trillium Lake as part of our adventures seemed like a no-brainer.…