How to Create an X-by/Bucket List
Posting Date Note: As many of us are social distancing and sheltering in place as part of the community effort to slow down the spread of COVID-19, we're sitting in our homes realizing how precious our time is when we have limitations on how we can use it. I think this makes it a perfect time for us to come up with our X-by or Bucket List because we are not encumbered with all that we have to do, but free to plan all the things we want to do. 8 Tips for Developing Your Own Bucket List A total life bucket list is relatively easy to create. You simply…
13 Things to Do While You’re Social Distancing
Many of us are currently participating in social distancing, which is a conscious effort to reduce close contact between people and hopefully limit the spread of COVID-19. There are some of us being asked on a company-wide scale to work from home. Many schools are closing down or requiring students to stay away from campus and participate in online learning. Events, gatherings, and group activities of all types and sizes are being canceled or postponed. These are all ways organizations are trying to collectively do their part to halt transmission of the virus. In short, we’re being asked to not congregate with groups of people. This could mean a lot…
Paranormal Pub: Vibrational Medicine
The other night, I ran over to the Kennedy School for their monthly Paranormal Pub. This month’s topic was Vibrational Medicine. I wasn’t exactly sure what it was about. By the title, I thought it could have referred to energy work and crystals; things I am interested in. The talk was given by Sue Whittaker, a.k.a. Tsunami Rose, owner of Wellsong Energetics. This is the first time I’ve ever heard about the topics she talked about and obviously that makes me very naive and uninformed. Other people in the audience were much more familiar with the names and things she discussed. For me, much of it went over my head. …
50 x 50: A Bucket List – The Origin Story
A few years ago, I had a couple of friends who introduced this X-Before-X, or X-By, idea to me and in full transparency…I stole it. One friend did a 40 By 40 where he had an activity and/or met with a friend every day during the forty days before his 40th birthday. Another friend put together her 50 By 50 list (50 new experiences by the time she turned 50 years old), three years before her golden birthday. Yes, this is very much like a bucket list but one that is set within a targeted time frame to motivate a person to focus on their goals sooner than later and…
Instant Pot Beef Brisket and Sweet Potato Chili
A Two-Time Award-Winner Don’t let the headline fool you, while this is an Instant Pot recipe, it takes more than an instant to cook as it is made up of three different recipes. And yes, one of those recipes is for roasted sweet potatoes. However, it did win two different chili competitions so if you’re willing to put in the work and wanting to try something a little different, you will enjoy the fruits of your labor.