• Through the Lens

    Star Trails: Episode 1 – The Misinterpreted Menace

    Every shoot can have it’s unexpected mishaps, troubles, and nuisances. This is especially true when trying out a certain type of photography for the first time. It’s hard enough to react to situational issues without frantically trying to sort out all the things you need to do to get the shot you want. In the end, all you can do is to stay as focused on your task at hand, be willing to change course on the fly, and accept any dumb luck that comes your way. This past weekend, I camped with friends at Mt. Rainier National Park and decided it would be a good opportunity to try my…

  • Home & Hearth

    Time Capsule

    We’re putting a new bathroom in the house that will be located in the basement. To prepare for it, we (and by we, I mean Douglas) had the concrete floor cut open so we could get new drain lines installed. The big holes under the foundation of our house inspired the idea of burying a time capsule in them, something that could house items that could be found decades from now and give the finders a glimpse of people and era that came before them. My original thought was to fit chosen items into a shoe box because I have many of those to spare. However, I was soundly advised…

  • Through the Lens

    Change of Plans

    Whenever I’m out of town, I battle with the notion of getting up early and catching the golden hour. It was no different on this weekender up to my hometown of Seattle. It was a gorgeous weekend—which is rare at the end of March—so my inner talk finally nudged me enough to roll out of bed and slip quietly out of my sister’s house with my gear in tow. My original destination was Kerry Park, which sits on the south slope of Queen Anne Hill. Upon my arrival, I saw that I was not the only one with this idea. There were already a dozen other photographers with their tripods…

  • Home & Hearth


    Murphy came to live with us a year ago. We got him from the Oregon Humane Society when he was approximately 7 months old. He was from a house suspected of cat hoarding. He was tiny…so skinny. Who knows how much he ever got to eat if he had to compete for his food. That would seem to explain why he wouldn’t stop eating every time we fed him. I eventually had to get him a food timer so our neighbor didn’t have to come over twice a day to feed him when we were on vacation. When we got him, he was also pretty timid. In the transition room…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream


    This blog was a project, affectionately called Field & Stream, for a group of friends to mark observations,  note lessons learned, and document research about dating, lust, and love. It was intended to become a collaborative collection of knowledge and insight and the starting point to our NY Times Bestseller and impending motion picture. It’s always good to have goals whether we actually reach them or not, right? If for nothing else, please enjoy this archive of our words, our hopes, and our sometimes jaded perspectives. To start reading from the beginning, click here. After that, you can simply click on the arrow > that will show up at the end of the entry, on the…