Home & Hearth

Snowpocalypse Kale and Sausage Instant Pot Soup

Last week in Portland, Oregon, the weather forecast threatened us with an epic snowstorm. We had already seen how friends and family to the north of us, in Seattle, had already been hit hard with inches of snow and ice and missed school days. So, we could only expect the same…or at least prepare for that likelihood.

So, Portlanders went shopping and apparently felt what they needed to survive in case they became stuck at home was bunches of hearty, leafy green kale. This was at least the narrative when this picture of an empty table at a grocery store was featured online.

Hollywood Fred Meyer, (Jesse Friedman)

I tend to believe that the real reason the kale flew off the shelves was because it was organic, on an end cap, and on sale for the low, low Sale Price of $1.99/bunch. This was the reason why I bought it on Thursday (the day before the majority of the snowpocalypse stockpiling) when the table was piled high. But constructed optics and clickbait win out again.

For whatever reason you end up with kale and want a warm and hearty meal, try out this soup. I got this recipe from Two Sleevers, one of my favorite sources for Instant Pot meals. It’s only been a week and I’ve already made this twice. In part because it’s delicious and also because it doesn’t yield as much as most soup recipes do.

Her recipe states that this serves four, which is probably true if you just use this as an appetizer or you use it as a ragu over spaghetti. But if you are used to American over-indulgent portion sizes and are looking for a one-bowl meal, this recipe is really more suited for two hungry people.

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