Home & Hearth

Time Capsule

We’re putting a new bathroom in the house that will be located in the basement. To prepare for it, we (and by we, I mean Douglas) had the concrete floor cut open so we could get new drain lines installed. The big holes under the foundation of our house inspired the idea of burying a time capsule in them, something that could house items that could be found decades from now and give the finders a glimpse of people and era that came before them.

My original thought was to fit chosen items into a shoe box because I have many of those to spare. However, I was soundly advised that a cardboard shoe box would not survive the natural elements for a long period  of time. So, I had to change my plans on what would make up the time capsule container. That ended up being a tin lunch box that I had in the house.

What went in it wasn’t overly planned. In part that was due to procrastination. Okay, it was all because of procrastination but I think what made it in works well enough. I can only hope the randomness will be an interesting find.

What made it in:

  • A note/letter that described:
    • How this box made it in the ground (bathroom going in)
    • Our house as I think for this box to be found that this house will need to be demolished
    • Us and our household of animals
    • Names of my niece and our nephews as they are the ones who might likely have descendents who could be researched and found
    • The top 20 biggest companies at this time
    • Obama being the first African American president and how some states are finally legalizing same sex marriage and a hope that the person who reads this will find both of those things as incredulous because of how ancient those ideas seem
    •  The Portland Timbers FC
    • The items in the box
  • Printed pictures of us, the animals, the house, Fernhill Park, and a variety of images of Portland and places in Oregon
  • A couple of business cards of local businesses
  • A Timbers scarf & keychain
  • The JT (Justin Timberlake) CD
  • Coins from 1967 to 2013 (I wanted new and as old as I could find in 2 minutes in my coin jar)
  • And postage stamps as I think stamps and pennies will disappear in my lifetime
  • Receipts that might possibly show the prices of some items at this time
  •  A thumb drive with more images
  • A card from D to me
  • Obama’s book
  • A bottle of Red Bull from Thailand that is supposedly the original recipe

I realize this time capsule may not survive nature. I also realize this box may never be found. Of course I hope it will be and that it’s long enough from now that it’s interesting to the finder. Most of all, I hope that people will survive on this earth for even the chance that it can be found.

Visual of time capsule contents


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