• Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    The Last Stand

    My travels are approaching and I’m no closer to knowing his name. My options are narrowing. Balance is now key. How do I proceed in this mission and employ data retrieval techniques without appearing like a sure thing? Regardless if I am or not (please ignore the devilish chuckle), one must demonstrate an air of appropriate behavior that matches that of a fine, respectable young Christian woman. Why? No good reason really. Except for the Asian upbringing that creates a need for a very controlled public appearance (think Myanmar, China, North Korea). Plus, I don’t know if I want to be the one to blow up the illusion of how…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    Stop the presses

    The week has been lovely. Summer has finally arrived. Each day has begun under feather-weight cotton sheets softly resting upon me. As the sun rises, it’s light caresses the corners of my bedroom. The birds awake and sing their sweet songs of morning. Dreams linger as I drift up to the surface of consciousness. Then… BAM! My body rips upright. Possessed eyes bug out. My racing heart clangs against a frenetic breathing pattern. My thoughts race… “What if said boy doesn’t own that phone number anymore? What if I’m coordinating a meeting with a complete stranger? The stranger knows my phone number. He knows my name. He knows when I’m…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream


    The phone sounds. Is that my alarm already? How many mojitos did I have last night? Ugh. I crack open one eye and peer over the pillow mound my nose is pressed into. Around me, the light is streaming in. How did the morning come so soon? 5:15. 5:15??!! My alarm isn’t set that early. I pull my arm from under the covers and swat for the phone. Flip it open. Still, there is only one eye open. It’s a text. Who in heavens is texting me right now? Both eyes open. Head rises slowly. Houston…the boy has responded. He remembers me. Good. He wants to see me. Super. No…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Field n Stream

    What’s in a Name?

    It’s important to pay attention when being introduced to someone in case you hit it off with him and give him your number. It would be poor form to not listen during the introduction because, say, you were in a mood and were just making conversation to pass the time while you were texting friends under the table to determine the evening’s next set of plans. Because you would never want to be in a situation where you did not remember his name and then have to ask your disinterested girlfriend if she remembered so you could assign his name…some name…any name…to the number in your phone for when he…

  • Field n Stream,  Past Lives


    So as I get ready to join my urban sisters to observe another chapter in the Sex and the City saga, I’m reflective of availability as it pertains to relationships. I’ve been recently re-viewing the old episodes of the sitcom and just watched the episode where Carrie starts to feel that Aidan is “too available” to her. Hmmmm?? This sounds vaguely familiar…. Are we more drawn to those we sense are unavailable either emotionally or physically? Do we need the challenge to make the relationship worthwhile? In discussions with friends about this issue, its definitely not something that is unusual. We all have our “Mr. Big’s”, someone with whom we’ve…