• Burning Man,  Past Lives

    Fading Fascination

    I’m slightly surprised that I’ve adapted as well as I have. I shouldn’t be but it’s Friday morning now and the week is near over and I’m unscathed as can be. But my hair is absolutely disgusting, my skin is starting to itch, the heat is starting to wear me down, as is the lack of sleep. My BM high is starting to descend. Perhaps it’s the growing familiarity of the roads and the camps and the art cars. Perhaps it’s the constant techno beats that drum all day and all night so that you fade into sleep to those monotonous beats only to wake up to them again as…

  • Burning Man,  Past Lives

    Where Are the Showers Again?

    I am filthy. I have not showered in four days. I have not shaved in four days. I have not washed my hair in four days. My cleansing ritual has consisted of baby wipes and Baths in a Bag, which essentially are deluxe baby wipes. Though I currently have no choice, my confidence in the phrase “Kills 99.9% of Germs” is really waning, especially when I’ve been using porta-potties all week. Granted, I’ve been quite pleased with the relative pleasantness of the porta-potties considering all the usage they’ve been getting. They get pumped out 2-3 times a day and are cleaner than many highway reststops I’ve been in. The only…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Burning Man

    The Temple

    I saw the Temple many times. I saw it in on my first night, when everything utterly amazed me. I saw it in the middle of the day, when I had nothing better to do. I saw it at sunrise, when I set my alarm to wake up in the middle of the desert with no other reason to get up. Each time, I appreciated it for its aesthetics. The detailing it had was intricate. It’s presence was majestic. But it’s impact on me was really minimal at first. Off in the horizon it stood; it became a destination only when imaginations ran low. It was one of these moments…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Burning Man


    Chris made a great analogy one of the first nights we were walking around. “Black Rock City is like a scene out of Star Wars,” he said (officially episode IV but really the classic first). Specifically, Tatooine, where Obi Wan and Luke meet and hire Han Solo and Chewie for the first time. Per Wikipedia, yes, Wikipedia again: “Tatooine has a seemingly endless desert environment cooked by the intense energy of twin yellow suns. Rocky mesas, canyons and arroyos break up the monotony of kilometers of shifting dunes. The days are hot and the nights are frigid. The air is dry and the soil is parched. Yet life persists on Tatooine,…

  • Adventures & Experiences,  Burning Man

    We Break in With this Special News Report: Dust Storm 2007

    On Wednesday and Thursday, we got hit with these fabulous dust storms. Yes, I said fabulous. Fortunately, most of us were at camp when the first one hit so we were able to put things away and zip things up. Though the packaging did swear by it, I was at first a little worried that $39.99 could not pay for a sturdy tent – so I stood by mine trying to hold up the frame. After 15 minutes or so, I saw myself from an outside pair of eyes and realized how ridiculous I looked, especially since all of my bins were in the tent. With all of the stuff…