With a Little Help from My Friends
A common tip for goal setting: manifest something you want by asking the universe for it. Say it out loud, pray for it, meditate, or visualize it with a vision board. Openly sharing your goals with others is also a great way to make them happen. Telling friends, family, and even acquaintances not only creates accountability but can also set unexpected things in motion, such as: You’ll gain a partner in crime. You’ll learn who else wants to do the same things. They may actually want to do them with you. They’ll know someone or something that can help you. You’ll have people to talk through your concerns and/or solve…
50 x 50: A Bucket List – The Origin Story
A few years ago, I had a couple of friends who introduced this X-Before-X, or X-By, idea to me and in full transparency…I stole it. One friend did a 40 By 40 where he had an activity and/or met with a friend every day during the forty days before his 40th birthday. Another friend put together her 50 By 50 list (50 new experiences by the time she turned 50 years old), three years before her golden birthday. Yes, this is very much like a bucket list but one that is set within a targeted time frame to motivate a person to focus on their goals sooner than later and…